Appleseed is your friendly neighborhood goblin Druid/plant hybrid! She is a connoisseur of all things comfy/cozy who loves to play indie games, games nostalgic to her, and talk about her love of Dungeons and Dragons and musical theatre. More than anything though, Appleseed just loves to make people smile and provide a relaxed and welcoming community on her streams where people can take a break from life's worries for a while, and just have fun together.
A goblin who lived peacefully in a forest among the animals and plants. One day, a forest fire mysteriously appeared and burnt down her homeland. When she awoke, she was a whole year older... and didn't remember a single bit of her past. A Goliath she affectionately referred to as "Papa" taught her the art of Druidry, and together they discovered that she had talents beyond other Druids; and could manifest plant shapes as well as animals. Now she scours the world, unsure what to make of her seemingly plant-like anatomy and abilities. Who is she? And more importantly, what is she?