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  • Subs 596
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Kuu is a Virtual Streamer who makes content in English. She streams a variety of games, oftentime switching to whatever catches her interest, and enjoys interacting with members of chat above all, about anything and everything. Because of this, she favors more casual titles such as Splatoon or Fortnite. Occasionally she will also stream art.

She could be described as forgetful, absentminded, or clumsy, but her main hope is for everyone to have a good time.

Lore Edit

Kuu was once a normal fox, until one day waking up to find herself in a human’s body, the reason completely unknown to her. No longer able to live her life the way she was used to, she had no other choice but to seek out a city or town. One problem, though- her instinctual fear of humans hadn’t gone anywhere! This instinct was beneficial for a fox, but now… not so much. Her fears began to ease, though, the first time she heard the sound of laughter. Now, she streams in the hope of laughing and smiling with as many people as possible, to ease her fear little by little.

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