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Kumo Kuddelmuddel

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Every 1.48 Day(s)
  • Watchlists 3
  • Subs 127.4k
  • Views 3.8m



Kumo Kuddelmuddel is a German and English Spider Cryptid Vtuber. She mainly streams ASMR and gaming, but will frequently stream with other Vtubers.

She is prone to acting in a gremlin-like manner.

Kumo develops games when she's not streaming and during her debut, revealed a Pixel Adventure game that showcased her lore.

She is a member of the GyaruCast podcast and the JAST Idols stream team.

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Kumo Kuddelmuddle is a Tarantula that was tested on and became something more. She escaped the lab she awoke in and rehomed in an abandoned Radio Broadcasting Station.

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