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心白てと / Kohaku Teto

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Every 0.98 Day(s)
  • Watchlists 1
  • Subs 80.3k
  • Views 7m



Kohaku Teto (心白てと) is a female Japanese Virtual YouTuber affiliated with Neo-Porte. She is part of the second generation of Neo-Porte, also known as "Quattro" along with Kuga Leo, Itoi Toi, and Urokomi Sui.

Lore Edit

“One day, I really want to see the world full of everybody's smiles..!"

A half-elf-half-human from an elf country who is brimming with curiosity. She is a cheerful girl who loves to laugh and sing. She wishes for human and elf to coexist by becoming an adventurer to deepen the relationship. In Tehre Kingdom, she met with 3 people whom she often meet at guild to talk and go adventure with.

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