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Kanda Shoichi

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Every 1.29 Day(s)
  • Watchlists 3
  • Subs 260k
  • Views 47.9m



Kanda Shoichi (神田笑一) is a male Virtual YouTuber who makes content in Japanese. He is a member of Nijisanji (formerly of Nijisanji SEEDs). Shoichi is usually a mature and laidback person, but when faced with certain people (such as Gundo Mirei), he can become indignant and immature. Shoichi made his debut on 9 August. His birthday is 5 March. His zodiac sign is Pisces. His height is 175 cm.

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A 21 year-old university student studying broadcasting relationships. He likes to talk to people, but occasionally will say things that come harsh for others. Thinking later "I've gone too far!" like regretting what he said, he is a guy who has a honest heart despite from his appearance. He seems to be carrying a fine line between reason and feelings.

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