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Hoshikawa Juliet

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Every 8.12 Day(s)
  • Subs 898
  • Views 743



She is a Dota 2 VTuber first debuted around May, but her official introduction video was released on 11 November.

Most of her content are playing Dota 2, she is considered high ranked Dota 2 Player based on her rank medal.

Lore Edit

Hoshikawa Juliet is a daughter of a noble family. She ran away from the family to pursue her dream to become an Idol VTuber rather than carrying her family name.

She usually called herself Julie.

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Aug 14, 2021
Jul 26, 2021
Jul 13, 2021
Jul 8, 2021
Jul 1, 2021
Jun 27, 2021
Jun 24, 2021
Jun 16, 2021
Jun 1, 2021
Jun 1, 2021
May 17, 2021
May 12, 2021
May 7, 2021
May 7, 2021
Apr 12, 2021
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