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Hitoshirenu Shourai

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Every 1.22 Day(s)
  • Subs 5.1k
  • Views 74.1k



Aura Solanys is a kittycorn vTuber. She tends to do Just Chatting streams and gaming. Also puns.

Lore Edit

The last known member of the Kittycorn race, she bides her time amusing herself, trying not to think of the past. She wields great magicks and skill, priding herself on being a "meowgical kittycorn rawrrior", though she does not fight as much these days, as she seems resigned to whatever fate seems to be in store.

The alias she once used, Hitoshirenu Shourai, is made from one of her favorite languages from this world, but recently, she has revealed her actual name, as well as a great deal of lore, including how she was tricked into consuming her entire universe.

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