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Fray Rizon

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Every 0.68 Day(s)
  • Watchlists 1
  • Subs 2.7k
  • Views 165.1k



Fray is a male Vtuber from Youtube, he is known for his Deep voice and chronic Narcasism. He is also known for his singing and rapping as well as his tendencies to make games harder for himself to show off (Which is usually followed by instant regret).

Lore Edit

A magic teacher at MM Academy a magic school in the world of Aroura, Fray was tasked with being the supervisor for the earth culture club. A club dedicated to the appreciation and study of Earth, a strange alternate land where magic was replaced with a strange concept known as "Streaming". In order to better himself as a supervisor, he has travelled to your world to learn as much as he can through this magic streaming activity. He has since found a love for anime, music and video games!

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