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Fig Sorbet

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Every 1.85 Day(s)
  • Subs 25.4k
  • Views 1.1m



Fig, the American-based comedy and gaming entertainer, is a charismatic and humorous VTuber who has captured the hearts of viewers with his unique blend of comedy and gaming prowess. With a strong presence on Twitch, he has carved out a niche in the VTuber community by creating content that is heavily chat-centric, making his streams engaging and interactive for his audience.

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Fig, played by Fig Sorbinson, was born with an extra set of hands on September 30th, 1995 and was raised in Missouri. He had a perfect nose before one day falling on his back on a trampoline and his knees came back and hit him in the face. He soon employed Dr. Murderzall to his dentistry practice which he currently operates to this day.

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