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Deuterium the Sentient Mattress

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Every 6.74 Day(s)
  • Subs 39.4k
  • Views 10.6m



Deuterium the Sentient Mattress is a YouTuber who started streaming in 2020 and debuted his first VTuber model in March 2021. He is best known for his "All the Inaccuracies" series of videos in which he points out factual inaccuracies in children's cartoons.

Deuterium's stream schedule is variable, but a mainstay of his streaming output is his Saturday stream, aptly titled Saturday Chaturday. These typically consist of 1.5 hours of gaming or variety content followed by 1 hour of interactive games such as Jackbox Games.

Deuterium is also autistic, having been diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome at a young age.

Lore Edit

Deuterium is a Welshcaster, a strange creature of unknown origin.

Previously, at the age of 18, Deuterium pissed off a certain cartoon character by pointing out the inaccuracies in their show. So much so that the cartoon character in question turned Deuterium into a cartoonish form.

Sometime in late 2024, Deut discovered that the spell keeping him in toon form was wearing off. ON the 22nd of February the following year, the spell was completely broken, leaving him back in his true Welshcaster form. To this day, he still points out inaccuracies, undeterred by his experiences as a toon.

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