Cyan is a male VStreamer who likes to structure his streaming week to be a specific game/genre per day. For example, Friday will always be Fighting Games called "Fightya Friday" and sometimes Saturdays which are usually called, "Shooterday"(inspiration taken from Shatterliine into Shatterday idea). Monday is always Role Playing Games. Although, he believes in Weekend Wednesday and Sundays to be completely to oneself. Maybe call it "Self-Care Sunday" or something of the sort? Also, Cyan loves to commentate and react to what he's playing, but he will also think out loud and sometimes almost all context will be missing, so feel free to ask questions about what he's saying!
Deep within a caged nest in an Aquarium, Cyan Phoenix has been dormant for over 500 years since scientists found his incomplete body and lowered him into the caged nest. This was to not only keep Cyan safe, but they also studied him despite him being asleep. Now that those 500 years have passed(it is now 2501 for him), Navy Phoenix, his predecessor, passes his newfound soul onto his new self, Cyan Phoenix! He wishes to have an amazing 500 years of his own, including, but not limited to exploration, education, and encouragement!