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This Vtuber plays a variety of games and sometimes shows meme compilations. She stream on Twitch and are active on twitter.

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In the beginning I was a person on Earth like everyone, however due to Gods mistake I died... I woke up to a voice sayin "Your journey is not yet over little one." When I opened my eyes a being who can only be described as a Goddess appeared!

The Goddess spoke: "You will be givin another chance at life but you will not be able to go back to Earth" I said: "Sure thats fine with me, so can I change my appearance and choose my stats like in the mangas?" Goddess: "Yes you may do such things it is what I owe to you for my mistake afterall"

After those words I already knew what I was gonna do! MAX OUT MY INT!!! Aside from that I altered my form so I can start fresh as a spell caster!

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