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Ariz Amuuru

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Ariz Amuuru, (Pronounced Aries Ah-Moo-Roo,) is an English Nonbinary streamer primarily focused on making content on Twitch. She has a Youtube account that has not been organized in ages and a Tiktok account that gets bursts of uploads once every four months or so. Her streaming schedule is nearly non existent but usually involves three to four streams a week.

Ariz Amuuru is a variety streamer, not wanting to limit herself to one niche forever. Her ADHD can make her sometimes jump from game to game in a single stream. The longest consistent video game that was streamed was Voices of the Void for approximately three weeks.

Ariz is a huge fan of nostalgia content, (this will connect in to her lore,) and loves to do deep dives occasionally on videos, cartoons, commercials, memes, and other such content from the past.

Her design is said to originally have come from a dream, which also connects to her lore slightly.

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Dreamgirl Ariz Amuuru was going about her day simplemindedly in her dreamworld abode, getting ready to have a large banquet of a dinner spread all to herself when suddenly she was transported to our world (or rather, a world very similar to our own) out of nowhere! Once she gathered her bearings she could see that she was in a fascinating place full of technology, something she'd never gone out of her way to see before. This excited her, but she could feel that the air surrounding her was much different from the world she's used to- this too only served to engage excitement. Men in labcoats stared for minutes before one approached her atop the portal looking pedestal she was standing atop and gave her an ultimatum immediately.

"Work for us and you'll get to experience everything you would ever desire in a brand new world."

This was good enough for her! She agreed immediately, besides if it's something she doesn't want to do she has the power to get out of it. The world of dreams that we visit has the power to make desires into reality; naturally the Dreamworld Denizens have no reason to abuse this power- that's where the scientists come in.... They are currently located within a large secret research hidden between branches of the popular company "The GigaShift Foundation," which creates many household name products like shampoo, body washes, lathes, bath bombs, even a few entertainment products like televisions. However, The Gigashift Foundation is just a front for research on Gene Technology; an awful amount of gene shifting on unwilling participants to create "superpower" gear that they could use to take over the world.

Ariz is none the wiser on any of this information, and has little interest in the lives of those who brought her here- however the work that they are having her do is simple. She's livestreaming! It's a livestream created by The GigaShift Foundation to increase public trust and publicity, which is very successful- she quickly skyrockets in popularity due to her fascination with many retro consoles and history- paired with her bubbly and upbeat attitude! Sinister things are still happening underground however..... Will she ever become aware of this? Will she use her reality warping powers to help those in need? Let's find out together!

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