Virion, the autoproclamed "Hell's best cook" is a VTuber who likes to cook, to sing, talk with his chat, and to play a lot of different games; pretty much a variety streamer. He makes content mainly in spanish but wants to do it in english too.
In the fiery confines of hell, there is a kitchen that never goes out, commanded by the self-proclaimed “best chef in all Hell”, Virion Arseth! When it comes to cooking, he always acts with an arrogance worthy of his title; some believe he seeks to create a dish so perfect that it would freeze Hell itself, others say he intends to prove that his cuisine is incomparable even to the chefs of Heaven. Now, tired of the same repetitive flavors, Virion has gone to the ends of the earth in search of new techniques, tastes and textures, and he plans to leave a mark wherever he goes.