Hazie is an English-speaking Virtual YouTuber. They upload a variety of gaming content, aiming to cover many genres, with a particular focus on games with dark atmospheres. They switch easily from low energy to high energy content even within the span of a single video. This often has to do with side effects from their health issues, but they put in their best effort to make sure it minimally affects their content.
While their content is not explicitly mature, they do not consider themselves to be family-friendly as they're not particularly good at holding in curses or inappropriate jokes, especially when startled or stressed. Often when making inappropriate jokes, they wind up making themself laugh more than anyone else.
They do not currently stream, but have plans to in the future.
A haunted doll possessed by the demonic spirit of a clown; she runs her own carnival in a domain through the fog where the barrier between the natural and the supernatural is weakened. As a Ringmaster, she is cunning and authoritative, driving the lesser spirits to perform with a crack of her whip for the entertainment of those who find themselves lost in a seemingly endless carnival. Those who stay for too long - enraptured or perhaps just unable to escape - become her whispers.
When not embodying The Ringmaster, she must manage her energy levels to avoid the strain of possessing an inanimate object sending her into temporary hibernation. Thus, her energy and moods seemingly change without warning.