Tentacule is an vegetarian alien plant vtuber who streams in English (and swear in French). They stream indie games, retro-looking RPG, art, and do some talks about serious subjects (mental health, yakuza, …) or not so serious subjects (anime and mangas).
They’re an alien plant, but also a vegetarian, which makes them a criminal at their home planet. They’re streaming all alone from their prison cell in space to kill some time ; and do crimes through the internet. They’re taking a liking to humans and their diverse cultures, even though humans are usually eaten by their species.
Since the world want to make them a villain, they’re trying hard to be one, but have difficulties doing so: they’re not evil at heart and also quite polite to others. You wouldn’t do noises after 11pm to disturb the neighbors, right? Sheesh, we’re not that evil.