As a half-demon oni, he bears a single, jagged horn on the left side of his forehead and piercing yellow eyes that shimmer with an otherworldly intensity, often softened by his mischievous grin.
Snicket Lee is a half-demon oni who has spent centuries dwelling in the depths of the Underworld. Born with a fiery spirit and a stubborn streak, he was always a little too curious about the world beyond the flames. Despite his heritage, Snicket felt out of place among the infernal chaos, yearning for something more—a purpose beyond destruction and a life beyond the shadows.
One fateful day, he made the bold decision to leave the Underworld behind and try to live among humans. Armed with an otherworldly strength, a mischievous sense of humor, and an awkward charm, Snicket now struggles to fit into a world where his horn and tail aren’t exactly subtle. His past as a reluctant enforcer of the Underworld's will occasionally comes back to haunt him, as old enemies and forgotten debts rise to challenge his new life.