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Every 2.42 Day(s)
  • Subs 1.8k
  • Views 6.2k



[CURRENT V-TUBIE ART IS INACCURATE, THERE IS A REDESIGN] Pin is a virtual variety streamer. She mainly creates art on stream and when she's not doing that she plays horror games and RPGs. She also gives insight from an art, animation and game design perspective when participating in other media.

  • Listed as Mature Stream on Twitch due to profanity & nsfw jokes.
  • Not seiso.
  • Pin's stream is designed similarly to a visual novel/dating sim! While currently a WIP, there will be many interactive elements for viewers.
  • Pin is the founder of art streamer group Tempurapura!
Lore Edit

What's that, you have a new game application that you can't get off your device? It might just be from a succubus desperately trying to break free of captivity!

Pin was receiving formal training as a magical girl when she started dipping into forbidden magic unknowingly. Her professors tried to seal her into an object out of fear but they were only partially successful! Now she is using any means she can to convince someone to free her from her prison--who's to say what happens after~

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This VTuber has indicated that their content is intended for mature audiences.
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