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A cosmic-twisted, gold-loving zombie necromancer with a love for skeletons and chaos. His model is based off of Nekrimancer's DND character, Cryptopher, a reborn rogue/sorcerer, but the main difference is that Nekrimancer is an AU Cryptopher that didn't leave the graveyard for adventure. He usually plays multiplayer games with friends, mostly Fall Guys or Brawlhalla. Nekrimancer also tends to explode into laughing fits over dumb stuff.

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This zombie didn't start as a necromancer, but quickly took over the role after panicking and unleashing his psionic power on the wizard that resurrected him (Nekrimancer does tend to get spooked easily). But after that little accident, he took the former necromancer's tomes and books and made Festival Field's Graveyard and its small skeleton army into his own little kingdom. And what does a kingdom need? GOLD. Lots and lots of gold. But that's solely because this zombie has a gold obsession and tends to get distracted by shiny trinkets and treasures. He also took the "G" from the graveyard's sign to mark where he hid his gold collection, so now the cemetery is labelled as a raveyard. Unfortunately Nekrimancer has a terrible memory and has forgotten where that G went. It's quite possible that he buried it with the gold. He also has a secret underneath his flesh that he hasn't revealed yet (at least not in his streams). It's hidden underneath the scars on his face; rows of sharp teeth, many sets of eyes, and lashing tendrils made of the void of space. He's a cosmic horror deep down!

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