From what we know its a moth like humanoid creature that's loose and been feeding on humans it comes in contact with. leaving remains left open and torn as well as the neck torn out but most of all the blood from every body is always gone completely. It seems to have different forms it takes depending on how it needs to feed in that situation mostly being closely to humanoid form the most but nobody has seen the true form itself only rumors.
"I'm not sure where I came from...but I know I'm not from here, humans were afraid of me from what I first remember. so I changed to look like a human...hiding what the humans thought was abnormal to fit in, not that I'm complaining...it made it easier for me to feed on them every once in a while I liked the way they taste as well as that's how I got currency in this world by feeding on them and stealing what they have to use to blend in. Needed a place where I could stay though so I found and renovated a old mansion to my liking and fit the wonderland I think I came from...Although I think the humans started to look for me because the humans have a sketch idea of me and this profile report they've been making of me i got a hold of after killing an investigator snooping around my mansion"