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Friedel Schlintz

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Every 5.63 Day(s)
  • Subs 139
  • Views 532



Friedel Schlintz is a VTuber who streams in English on Twitch. His content mostly consists of gaming streams, playing games from many different genres, both new and old. His favorite types of games to stream are any that give him enough player freedom to try and do the opposite of what the developers intended. He also occasionally streams art.

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Normal wolfboy college student who got hit by a truck and scattered into a bunch of pieces. He sewed himself back together and became a normal zombie wolfboy college student. Has since upgraded his zombified parts to attach magnetically.

After putting himself back together, he ended up with a ball of fur that he couldn't place anywhere. He put it in the freezer and forgot about it for a few months. When he checked on it again, it had become the sentient creature known as his mascot, Friedough.

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