Emperor Vergil is a male Virtual YouTuber and streamer who makes content in English. He is a prideful, eccentric man that on many occasions may come across as arrogant and narcissistic. Even though Vergil comes across as an archetypal entitled ruler, it's actually a facade to hide the a cold and calculating personality that an iron clad tyrant need to run a nation. He does let the mask slip when stating his brutally honest opinions, but uses his sense of dark comedic jokes to reapply the mask.
Vergil is the immortal emperor of the Verelian Empire. His current age is unknown, but based off of looks he seems to be in his early twenty's. He has a personal army numbering ten thousand soldiers, he calls the Caelum Custodies. They are the best of the best the empire has to offer and uses them as his bodyguards, Vergil has a fascination with learning about other nations history, culture, and warfare. Vergil's weapon of choice is a custom made gladius that he sometimes refers to as the chadius as he fights without a shield instead opting to keep his other hand open. Vergil's parents if he really has any, are not known. Anybody that approaches Vergil with the topic in mind are quickly dissuaded from doing so. Vergil has a extreme hatred of any higher beings or gods. Currently their is no method know to actually killing him, but it does seem that he can feel pain.