Curry Solarwind is a Male Virtual Steamer, who makes content in English. Curry enjoys making artwork of characters from games and anime, and gravitates towards JRPGs for video game entertainment. Curry is self reliant on assets, as art assets (i.e character model, character rigging, emotes) and videos are made by himself.
Curry Solarwind is a Dragoon, one of thirteen in the Kingdom of Aster. Curry was born in the Kingdom of Aster to a Knight Captain, and followed his fathers path, becoming a knight at the age of 21.
On Curry's third squadron mission on the Aster Continent, the squadron that Curry was assigned to had discovered a neighboring village had completely frozen over, with its inhabitants frozen in stasis. After this discovery, an ice dragon took the squadron by surprise and let out an ice breath, decimating the squadron. The squadron was encased in ice, except Curry who had suffered major frostbite and damage. Dealing with self-guilt that lasted a week, Curry embarked on a journey to the northern mountains and sought the training from a retired dragoon. Curry returned to Aster after 4 years as the 13th Dragoon of Aster.
With this new found strength, Curry wishes to succeed where he originally failed. He seeks to become a seasoned adventurer, by taking on challenging quests and passing down the stories of his experience to those new to adventuring. As long as he carries his halberd, he will be the steadfast knight he was destined to be.