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A cute smol BlueHornWorm Clown boy, living in the circus ran by a mysterious Ring-Master. That's keeping Taffy from leaving. Taffy's shows mostly consists of chatting, gaming, art, singing, and voice acting!

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A boy goes to the circus after an incident that occurred at their home, while watching the show the Ring-Leader picks the boy for a disappearance act which involves the boy getting sucked in the Ring-Leader's eye. The crowd cheers to the act unaware of the location of the boy, later that night in another tent the Ring-Leader takes out his eye and lets the boy out not only revealing that he is a demon but also that the boy has been put in a contract to be a clown in the demons circus. Then the boy started his transformation from his original self to a clown plushie that resembles a blue Hornworm, as the demon leaves the boys tent after explaining his imprisonment he attempts to escape but every time he leaves the circus he transforms into a worm and his plushie cat mascot given to him by the Ring-Leader keeps him safe from any harm if Taffy were to transform into a blue Hornworm. Taffy is forever stuck as a clown for the rest of his life, committing to his shows and obeying his Ring-Leader.

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