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bags_of_kittens is an American male barncat vtuber who plays primarily retro and indie games as well as occasionally singing. English is his primary language.

Lore Edit

During the height of the space race there was a proto bubble colony that was built on the moon's surface, this colony was then populated with various domesticated cats as part of an experiment. The cats adapted well to the lower gravity but before the experiment came to a conclusive end the funding was cut due to dwindling interest in space at the end of the apollo project. Left on their own to survive, this group of cats adapted to their environment. Constant exposure to cosmic radiation caused a remarkable change in the cats. In only a short few generations these once regular cats achieved a level of intelligence just above that of the average reddit user, even nearing that of humans. Aided with the additional adaptation of bipedalism these lunar cats were able to establish a society and even expand their reach on the lunar surface. By copying the technology left there by astronauts they managed to manufacture space suits and even construct a second habitable bubble in only a few short years. What followed was decades of expansion as more and more colonies peppered their way across the lunar surface. Many bubbles were built for varying purposes, from population centers, to industry, to farming plots and even a government building in the original colony. In the 1980's NYASA was formed and re-established communication with earth and with that soon came trade of information and eventually goods.

In one such bubble a barn cat known as bags_of_kittens lives as a farmer, he can often be found tending to his crops, driving around on his tractor, exploring the local area outside his bubble, or tinkering with rare and vintage electronics in his shop. He wears flannel shirts, overalls and notably a paper bag covering his entire head. Some speculate that under the bag is an extremely ugly face, others say his head is actually a Halo 3 collector's edition helmet stand, but most guess he just likes wearing it because he's weird.

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